Business & Rural
4 May, 2021
BCG’s Research And Extension Program Announced
In line with the start of the growing season Birchip Cropping Group (BCG) has finalised site selection, trial designs and the extension calendar for 2021.The 2021 BCG research program extends across the Mallee, Wimmera and North Central region and consist of approximately 130 research trials, the first of which was sown this week at Watchupga in the southern Mallee. The main sowing program will commence on the 20th April.
BCG’s Main Field Day sites are in the Watchupga/Curyo region with the Main Field Day set for Wednesday 8th September.
BCG CEO Fiona Best said BCG’s 2021 research and extension program is as innovate and robust and ever.
“2021 is another year where BCG has a broad range of projects to help growers make informed decisions on farm.
“We are continuing to research topics such as plant establishment, herbicide residues, soil carbon research in the Mallee and Wimmera as well as new projects such as Fodder for the Future, Validating the Benefits of Multispecies Cover Cropping, Integrated Pest Management and Dryland Legume Pastures,” Ms Best said.
Ms Best also stated that BCG has a number of additional extension projects planned for the year.
“Defining what is Regenerative Agriculture in the Low Rainfall Zone is a project we will be delivering in collaboration with growers in our region.
“This will be a timely and valuable project, given the growing interest in this field.”
Other key BCG extension projects include Harvester Set-up Clinics where farmers and operators acquire skills to minimise losses and consequently put more money in their pocket, Hands-on Precision Agriculture Training, Growth Adoption Productivity and Profit Discussion Groups and grain storage extension.
“Our Tomorrow Farmer Workshop to be held on the 16th June, is another highly relevant event aimed and upskilling our farming community on how to start and continue the sometimes tough conversations of succession planning,” Ms Best finished.
For more information contact BCG on (03) 5492 2787.