

8 March, 2023

A real Country night to raise funds to Fight Parkinsons

ANY in St. Arnaud will remember Max Argent with his horse and buggy doing his errands around town. Max was struck with Parkinsons Disease and VicRoads took his vehicle driver’s licence from him. Not to be deterred Max took to the horse and buggy.

Lion, George (right) hands over a cheque for $100 on behalf of the St. Arnaud Lions Club to Leon Argent at the Fight Parkinsons fundraiser at the Sporting Club last Saturday. The Fight Parkinson’s Charity will be receiving $10,000 on Leon’s behalf.
Lion, George (right) hands over a cheque for $100 on behalf of the St. Arnaud Lions Club to Leon Argent at the Fight Parkinsons fundraiser at the Sporting Club last Saturday. The Fight Parkinson’s Charity will be receiving $10,000 on Leon’s behalf.

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